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Stock Patterns for Cup and Handle

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The Cup and Handle is a continuation pattern of bullish bullishness that develops in the wake of a strong upward trend. Although this pattern can take some time, once it has formed it is easy to spot it and trade on it. Use additional indicators and volume to find the breakouts in the market. Here are some situations where this pattern is profitable for traders. There are many indicators that can be used in confirmation of a breakout, beyond the price action.

The Cup and Handle shape is formed by rounding off the lows of price, creating a cup. The cup will come with a base as well as a right side. The cup will have a base and a right side. It will be lighter on the left, but heavier on its right. The volume will increase on the right side of the cup. The chart can be viewed to see the two Us. When you are interpreting this pattern it is a good idea that you pay attention to the volume levels.

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The Cup and Handle trading pattern can be used to create a profitable trade. When a security tests its prior highs, the pattern is formed. If the security makes a new peak, this will cause a downtrend. After consolidation, a cup & handle pattern is usually formed and the stock will reach a new level. However, traders should take care not to enter the market too aggressively, as this can result in excessive slippage and loss of profits.

The price should break the cup. If it does, the target is at the upper end of the handle. It will retrace roughly one-third to half of its previous uptrend. If it doesn't, the downtrend will be much shorter and the breakout will prove to be very bullish. If the market breaks the resistance line, then breakouts are likely to occur at lower prices. If this happens, traders will be able take profits in either direction.

After a stock reaches its highest point, the handle breaks off at the top to create the Cup and Handle pattern. The rising price forms the handle of the cup. The lower half of the cup is a short-term low. If the candlestick is above the upper half, the stock will be in an upward trend. Once this happens, the stock will continue to move higher and reach its target. This could be either a bullish continuation pattern or a bearish continuation.


A cup-and-handle pattern is a common trading strategy. If a market has a handle and cup pattern, it indicates that it will rise/fall. The cup and handle will be smaller than the handle that matches it, and the handle will be larger than the handle before it. The cup's bottom is always lower than its top. The price will be volatile if it falls below the low. As the stock falls, so will the risk of losing your money.

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Stock Patterns for Cup and Handle